Viktor Ohnjec & Terry Merriman, M2VP
October 28, 2005
The separation of architectural concerns allows different stakeholders to understand architecture in a context that is unique to their needs. For instance, business users are rarely interested in the technical details of an application, but they are interested in the business functionality an application provides. By contrast, a database administrator is very interested in the informational view of an application. If each of these views is consistent and derived from a common architectural model, then the resulting application will actually do what each viewpoint suggests it will do. Establishing a consistent architectural model that supports multiple views and as a result, multiple separation of concerns requires formality, tool support and architects (enterprise, application, domain, etc). These architects use modeling techniques to capture the information for each of the views and ensure the models reconcile. When correctly applied, applications architecture ties into domain architecture, business architecture and ultimately, an overall enterprise architecture.